Ideal Products goes above and beyond with their ThermalJacs547® Pipe Insulation. Not only do customers save the obvious energy efficiency costs from the excellent thermal control of ThermalJacs547® premium quality mineral wool, they also save a ton on freight costs.
Your average pre-formed pipe insulation is manufactured and shipped in boxes. Once on the jobsite they are fitted around the specific pipe size they were formed for.
ThermalJacs547® insulation is manufactured and shipped flat from the factory. When it arrives on the jobsite, the precision “v” technology allows the insulation to be installed on any size pipe up to 72” (NPS).
Because ThermalJacs547® insulation is packed flat, you can ship more linear feet of insulation per transport container in comparison to pre-formed pipe insulation.
We did the math for shipping 10,000 linear feet of 2 inch thick insulation for 24 inch sized pipe to a job site and found substantial savings for our clients. Your average pre-formed pipe insulation is shipped 3 linear feet per box. Looking at 24 inch NPS and 2 inch thick insulation, 702 linear feet of pre-formed insulation will fit in a 53’ trailer. This means you need a shocking 15 trailers to ship 10,000 linear feet of insulation to the job site.
ThermalJacs547® ships flat on skids with an average 63 linear feet per skid. You can fit 1953 linear feet of 2 inch thick insulation for 24 inch NPS in a 53’ trailer. To ship 10,000 linear feet of ThermalJacs547® you only need 6 trailers.
Imagine one trailer costs $4000, you are spending $60,000 (15 x $4000) to ship 10,000 linear feet of curved insulation to the job site. ThermalJacs547®, on the other hand, only costs $24,000 (6 x $4000). That is a savings of $36,000!!! And don’t forget about the extra time it takes for those 9 extra trailers to get to the job site.
If that all went over your head, we made an infographic to help illustrate the savings.

With fewer trailers needed to ship ThermalJacs547® insulation, the less transportation is needed. Less transportation = less gas = less environmental impact.
ThermalJacs547® are manufactured with space efficiency in mind. This means any extra insulation that needs to be stored on the job site or in your warehouse takes up less space.
To learn more about Ideal Products’ ThermalJacs547® click here.