The story begins 25 years ago with a two-year old who had a thirst for knowledge and electrical stuff. Unfortunately, at the time, this led to knives in electrical outlets and little black tip fingers as a result of numerous electrical experimentations. Born and raised in Edmonton, this two-year old grew and so did his love for electrical engineering.
Meet Daryan Bertram, a determined and logical Ideal team member with a passion for making things better—whether it’s machines or team culture.
I am sure you know Daryan, he has been hanging around Ideal Products for quite some time now. He started doing tasks in the Ideal Products’ warehouse when he was 12-13 years old. While earning his degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Daryan worked part-time at Ideal Products. In 2017, Daryan decided to take on full-time roles in sales, production and engineering, becoming a crucial part of Ideal’s innovation, research and development, machine design and automation. A shining example of Ideal’s core value: “Support Each Other”, Daryan continually supported the team, making sure the machines and systems were always running smoothly.
Daryan is grateful to Ideal Products for providing a work environment that allows employees to learn, make mistakes and ultimately grow into their best potential.
“Ideal Products has a culture that is open to letting employees try things. They put trust in their people which allows them to expand and grow.”
This is why we are so excited to see Daryan move forward to his next big adventure as Canadian Regional Manager. Daryan is the very first individual to step into this new position.
As Canadian Regional Manager, Daryan will be taking an active role in supporting Ideal’s Canadian teams. Not a stranger to creating solutions to optimize output and move smoothly and efficiently towards end goals, Daryan’s new position now involves both the physical systems Ideal has in place, as well as the team culture, company initiatives and overall operations.
The future holds tremendous potential as Daryan leads our Canadian teams towards new initiatives, strategic alignment, deeper team unity and company goals.
Congratulations Daryan!
The next time you see Daryan, strike up a conversation about the San Diego Comicon or Dungeons and Dragons. A self-proclaimed and well-rounded athletic nerd, Daryan has a hidden passion for nerdy stuff. Lol.